China Southern to honour RM6.10 flight tickets sold during glitch

BEIJING: On November 9, China Southern Airlines, a Chinese airline, said that, in the event of a two-hour technical breakdown on its mobile app and certain ticket buying platforms, it would accept ticket sales for as low as US$1.30. end of November.

Around 8:00 p.m. (12:00 GMT) on Wednesday, users of the China Southern app started posting on social media in Chinese that a number of flights to and from Chengdu, a city in southwest China, were available for 10, 20, or 30 yuan (6.44–RM19.33).

A screenshot that went viral on the internet revealed a ticket from Chengdu to Beijing for a mere 10 yuan (RM6.44), as opposed to the standard 400–500 yuan (RM257–321) minimum price.

Additional pictures from the internet showed that the airline’s app and a few other ticket buying websites, including, the industry leader, were offering discounted rates for almost two hours.

In addition, customers have to pay gasoline surcharges and airport taxes totaling at least 110 yuan (RM70). China Southern, a Guangzhou-based company, stated that “passengers can use them normally,” provided that the tickets have previously been purchased and issued. – Reports